var gMessageType = { Command: "Command", Ack: "Ack", AckFwd: "AckFwd", Success: "Success", Error: "Error", Broadcast: "Broadcast", QueryResult: "QueryResult" }; var gCommandType = { SubscribeToLiveVideoGroup: { Type: 'SubscribeToLiveVideoGroup', CommandID: 9000 }, UnsubscribeFromLiveVideoGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromLiveVideoGroup', CommandID: 9001 }, SubscribeToALPRGroup: { Type: 'SubscribeToALPRGroup', CommandID: 9002 }, UnsubscribeFromALPRGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromALPRGroup', CommandID: 9003 }, BroadcastLicensePlateToALPRListeners: { Type: 'BroadcastLicensePlateToALPRListeners', CommandID: 9004 }, SubscribeToDashboardGroup: { Type: 'SubscribeToDashboardGroup', CommandID: 9005 }, UnsubscribeFromDashboardGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromDashboardGroup', CommandID: 9006 }, GetUnitsLocations: { Type: 'GetUnitsLocations', CommandID: 9007 }, SubscribeToUnitGroup: {Type:'SubscribeToUnitGroup', CommandID: 9008}, UnsubscribeFromUnitGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromUnitGroup', CommandID: 9009 }, SubscribeToAVLMapGroup: { Type: 'SubscribeToAVLMapGroup', CommandID: 9010 }, UnsubscribeFromAVLMapGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromAVLMapGroup', CommandID: 9011 }, GetLiveViewedUnitIds: { Type: 'GetLiveViewedUnitIds', CommandID: 9012 }, SubscribeToRTCCGroup: { Type: 'SubscribeToRTCCGroup', CommandID: 9013 }, UnsubscribeFromRTCCGroup: { Type: 'UnsubscribeFromRTCCGroup', CommandID: 9014 }, StartLiveVideo: { Type: 'StartLiveVideo', CommandID: 10000 }, StartLiveImage: { Type: 'StartLiveImage', CommandID: 10001 }, StopStreaming: { Type: 'StopStreaming', CommandID: 10002 }, Record: { Type: 'Record', CommandID: 10003 }, StopRecording: { Type: 'StopRecording', CommandID: 10004 }, ZoomIn: { Type: 'ZoomIn', CommandID: 10005 }, ZoomOut: { Type: 'ZoomOut', CommandID: 10006 }, PanLeft: { Type: 'PanLeft', CommandID: 10007 }, PanRight: { Type: 'PanRight', CommandID: 10008 }, PanUp: { Type: 'PanUp', CommandID: 10009 }, PanDown: { Type: 'PanDown', CommandID: 10010 }, Focus: { Type: 'Focus', CommandID: 10011 }, PanMiddle: { Type: 'PanMiddle', CommandID: 10012 }, SwitchPIP: { Type: 'SwitchPIP', CommandID: 10013 }, FocusIn: { Type: 'Focus', CommandID: 10014 }, FocusOut: { Type: 'Focus', CommandID: 10015 }, OpenFrontDoor: { Type: 'OpenFrontDoor', CommandID: 10016 }, Bookmark: { Type: 'Bookmark', CommandID: 10017 }, InCarStatus: { Type: 'InCarStatus', CommandID: 10501 }, PrintScreen: { Type: 'PrintScreen', CommandID: 10502 }, SyncUnitConfig: { Type: 'SyncConfig', CommandID: 10503 }, AssignAvailable: { Type: 'AssignAvailable', CommandID: 8000 }, AssignUser: { Type: 'AssignUser', CommandID: 8001} }; var gMessageCodes = { MessageReceived: 200, MessageDispatched: 201, RecipientNotAvailable: 403, LiveVideoNotAvailable: 405, MessageReceivedAtDestination: 202 }; var gExceptionTypes = { MissingConnectionParameters: 101, AuthTokenParsingFailed: 102, MissingOrInvalidAccessToken: 105, AccessTokenExpired: 106, MessageParsingFailed: 108, RecipientRespondedWithError: 13 }; var gWSServerName = "WS-SERVER"; //Name of WS Server coming in messages. var InCarStatus = { StreamingOff: 'StreamingOff', LiveVideoOn: 'LiveVideoOn', LiveImagesOn: 'LiveImagesOn' }; var InCarSystemEvents = { SessionLogon: 'SessionLogon', SessionLogoff: 'SessionLogoff', OnSessionChange: 'OnSessionChange', OnServiceShutdown: 'OnServiceShutdown', OnServiceStop: 'OnServiceStop', SesionEnding_Logoff: 'SesionEnding_Logoff', SessionEnding_SystemShutdown: 'SessionEnding_SystemShutdown', ApplicationClosing: 'ApplicationClosing' }; var WS_Status_Type = { Info: 'Info', Success: 'Success', Error: 'Error' }; var WS_BROADCAST_TYPE = { UnitListenersList: 'UnitListenersList', LicensePlateRegistered: 'LicensePlateRegistered', Dashboard: 'Dashboard', AVLMap: 'AVLMap', InCarSystemEvent: 'InCarSystemEvent', UnitHeartbeatInfo: 'UnitHeartbeatInfo' }; var WS_Live_Command_Group_Type = { LIVE_VIDEO_GROUP: 'LIVE_VIDEO_GROUP', DASHBOARD_GROUP: 'DASHBOARD_GROUP', AVL_MAP_GROUP: 'AVL_MAP_GROUP', ALPR_GROUP: 'ALPR_GROUP', UNIT_GROUP: 'UNIT_GROUP' }; var WS_DSH_SubscriptionType = { LiveViewedUnits: 'LiveViewedUnits' }; var WS_AVLMap_SubscriptionType = { UnitsLocationRealTime: 'UnitsLocationRealTime', OfflineUnitsInfoRealtime: 'OfflineUnitsInfoRealtime' }; var WS_UNIT_SubscriptionType = { HeartbeatInfo: 'HeartbeatInfo' }; var RTCCSubscriptionType = { Live : 'Live', Static: 'Static', MSSQL: 'MSSQL' } var _ws_conn_ping_msg = "Connecting to Server. Please wait"; var _ws_download_text = "Download"; var _ws_no_support_link_text_suffix = "(minimum version 10)"; var _ws_no_support_msg = "Your current Browser does not support Web Sockets functionality which is needed for some Live Commands.
This page/section will work properly only in {0}, {1}, {2}, or {3}
It is recommended to install latest version of any of these Browsers: {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}"; var _ws_msg_warning = "Warning!"; var _ws_msg_websocket_not_running = "Web Socket Server is either not running or not responding to Live Commands. Please contact IRSA Support"; var _ws_no_support_msg_for_http = "With your current Web Socket Server configuration, only Secure protocol https is supported for this page to function properly."; var _ws_no_support_msg_for_https = "With your current Web Socket Server configuration, only http protocol is supported for this page to function properly.";